• Accessibility. Many patients face barriers when it comes to in-person healthcare visits. Whether due to disabilities, physical distance/living in a rural area, or transportation difficulties, many patients are able to receive medical consultations via telehealth they may otherwise have missed.
  • Cost efficiency. Patients save in transportation costs and travel time, along with overall healthcare costs thanks to better access to treatment.
  • Faster availability of appointment times. Care is available whenever a patient has time, and a doctor has a slot. There are more options when you are not limited by location.
  • Flexibility. Patients and providers do not need to communicate in real time. Photos of visible conditions such as rashes, data such as blood pressure readings, or patient questions can be sent to the provider at any time. The provider can review this health information, send questions or other materials to the patient, or send instructions ahead of the scheduled appointment time.
  • Lowered exposure to infection. The patient is not exposed to others who may be contagious, like they would be in a clinic, and healthcare providers aren’t exposed to potentially infectious patients.